Meet the SEND Cleveland Team!
Saturating a region of 2 million+ souls with healthy gospel churches is a God-sized task. In partnership with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (SCBO), and key partner churches outside our region, Cleveland Hope leaders and churches are blessed to have a dynamic team collaborating to discover, develop and deploy a multiplying force of missional leaders from the harvest for the harvest.
Chris Warszawski - SEND Cleveland Coordinator
Chris is a native of East Cleveland. Having served a number of years in the Columbus area at Life Point Church, he answered the call to return to northeast Ohio as the North American Mission Board’s SEND Cleveland Coordinator. He is married to Katie and they have a daughter and a son.
Cory Wilson - Church Planting Catalyst
A pastor at City Church on Cleveland’s east side, Cory is also a NAMB Church Planting Catalyst focused on resourcing a network of church plants and planters. A scholar at heart, Cory is a co-founder of Emmaus Theological Seminary. Cory’s and his wife Jasmine have four children.
Stephen Owens - SCBO Northeast Regional Catalyst
Husband to Lisa, father of two grown sons, pastor of Mt. Calvary Baptist in Cleveland’s southeast suburb of Bedford, Stephen serves SEND Cleveland as a leadership consultant and link to our State Convention of Baptists in Ohio. He’s the author of several leadership books and founder of the Lead Well Conference,
Tony & Beth Loseto - Encouraging & Spouse Care Champions
Tony plans fellowship events for planters. Beth provides care to planter wives as SEND Cleveland Spouse Care Champion.
Kevin Lorow - Worship Catalyst
As a staff member at Cuyahoga Valley Church’s Brunswick Campus, Kevin plays a valuable part of the SEND Cleveland City Team as our Worship Catalyst seeking to build a pipeline of gifted musicians for church plants. He is married to Carrie and they have one son.
Darin Avery - Cleveland Hope
Around here we believe we can accomplish more for the Lord when we don’t care who gets the credit—it all belongs to Jesus anyway! It’s a great joy to join with such humble and dynamic leaders. Let me know how I can serve you or better connect you to the right team member for your specific need: